Anna Kincaide’s stylized figurative paintings have found their way into collections nationwide. “My strongest inspirations are fashion and design, so this led to my idea of creating portraits of stylized women disguised by unconventional, floral-inspired hats,” she says. “I don’t rely on facial expression (her portraits are indeed anonymous … one does not see the eyes) to convey emotion like most figurative artists do. Instead I rely on gesture, clothing color and body language.”
John Sterpe delights in the beauty of his immediate environs … today, he is influenced by the seduction that is Florida’s landscapes. “I paint on canvas, and it is in this small part of the world God created that I am inspired to paint,” the artist says. “I wanted to keep these images with me, and to show people where I was going and what I was seeing. With that in mind, I began to put these images down on canvas.
Fredy Villamil creates canvases with the robustness of design, a refined ease of expression and the diversity of vivid colors. Beneath the light-filled surfaces transformed by scarlet, aqua, emerald green, amethyst and topaz palettes crackling with the dynamic merger of fractured lines and colliding shapes; beyond the vibrant jewel-toned hues and overlapping forms lies a kaleidoscopic vision overrun by a proliferation of biomorphic shapes and organic forms that seem to have no beginning and no end, and be devoid of boundaries.;
Sean Rush is an internationally collected artist who celebrates the global community within his artwork as well as interior design. He has been an anchor in West Palm Beach’s Design District for 10 years and recently launched Nomad@SeanRush, an art gallery wine lounge that reaches out to the global traveler and welcomes conversations and experiences that only this creative adventurer can offer.
Mark Dickson’s love for metal of all types becomes instantly transparent upon viewing his unique sculptures. Welding, forging and casting, the artist reassigns beauty, power and meaning to both found and raw materials. “For me, it’s all about the entanglement, the heat, sweat, smoke, and the challenge of steel and fire as I explore and push the boundaries of the medium,” Dickson says.
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