Seaglass Awards 2024 Spotlight: Foyer Roundup

This summer, we are celebrating Florida's top design talents who were recently recognized at the second annual Seaglass Awards

“We used wood in light colors with a mix of metals in copper tones and glass,” says designer Adriana Hoyos. Photo by Gabriel Volpi
“We used wood in light colors with a mix of metals in copper tones and glass,” says designer Adriana Hoyos. Photo by Gabriel Volpi

Contemporary Foyer

Adriana Hoyos Design Studio

The Right Mix

“For the foyer of this Fisher Island home at the Palazzo della Luna tower, we used wood in light colors with a mix of metals in copper tones and glass,” says designer Adriana Hoyos. “The goal was to make the space vibrant, elegant, and modern.”

“This Sarasota model home’s exhilarating experience begins in the foyer,” says builder Lee Wetherington. Photo by Lucie Oberg
“This Sarasota model home’s exhilarating experience begins in the foyer,” says builder Lee Wetherington. Photo by Lucie Oberg

Traditional/Transitional Foyer

Lee Wetherington Homes

Come Right In!

“This Sarasota model home’s exhilarating experience begins in the foyer, which is wrapped with detailed wood trim and illuminated by slim, sconced lighting,” says builder Lee Wetherington. “The design team wanted the foyer to wrap visitors in warmth and create a sense of arrival upon entering.”

“Custom furniture made all the difference in this Hutchinson Island home,” says designer Gloria Black. Photo by Lori Hamilton
“Custom furniture made all the difference in this Hutchinson Island home,” says designer Gloria Black. Photo by Lori Hamilton

Use of Custom Furniture

Gloria Black Design

Bespoke Best

“Custom furniture made all the difference in this Hutchinson Island home,” says designer Gloria Black. “We brought in modernized furnishings that would stand out against the residence’s classical architecture to craft a story of creativity. One example of this is the foyer, where a hand-carved table with a cerused ebony base and a marble top give a preview of the furniture story to come.”

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