Franco Fine Art

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Design Resource Category: ArtDesign Resource Tags: Art and Glass

  • Profile


    Francesco Castelluccio known as Franco ( Born to Italian immigrants, April 12 1955, in Newark NJ) -American sculptor, recognized for creating work that is at once traditional in its adherence to the human figure, radical in its sensuality and innovative in its design.” Franco says of his early years as an artist, “studying anatomy and creating anatomical drawings, has given me the freedom to not be confined to what I can see in a model before me, but rather to have the command to create what I know ‰Û_..this is the essence of a good sculpture.” Today, Franco’s work is sought after by collectors from around the world.
    With the soul of a poet, Franco takes many of his subjects from great works of literature as well as his own life experiences.
    “I believe art has a moral responsibility, that it must pursue something higher than itself. My objective is to not merely present what is real, but to provide a representation of the real – in the light of the ideal.”

    Franco owns and operates Franco Fine Art Studio in Winter Springs, Florida.
    The “artist” is available for commissioned work, ranging from portrait to monumental, public and private.

    “My desire is to re-introduce beauty, a virtue as important as truth and goodness, back into art, especially public art.”

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